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I am excited to offer an Unique Series of small group Art Lessons for kids 7 and up. Friday Mornings, on from 10-11 am in my studio. The 3 lesson series will be $75. I'm excited for fun exploratory art projects using different mediums each week.


Class Dates are Sept.20th  and Oct. 4th and 18th


During our sessions ~ you'll see their art skills increase in creativity and confidence. Each lesson, I will teach them different art techniques &  mediums. They'll also learn how to observe and appreciate the world around them and apply it in their art. When applicable we'll discuss art vocabulary and master artists & art history. All supplies included.



Homeschool Art Lessons in my Studio ~ Friday Mornings

  • Since this class is limited in space.  There is no refunds or make ups for missed classes.  

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